Does Satan Heal Sickness & Disease?

Does Satan Heal Sickness & Disease? The Bible definitely teaches that Satan can afflict others with sickness and disease, but what about Satan “healing” people? It also teaches that He is a deceiver, and the father of lies.(Revelation 12:9, John 8:44). It tells us that included in the activities of Satan are “false miracles” (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10). All sickness and disease are linked to Satan through the Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden. Man was not affected by sin or disease as originally created in Eden. Satan’s lies and deceptions led to the Fall of Man, and sickness, disease […]

Christian Science: Attempting a Comeback (from ChristianWay)

This is a great overview of Christian Science at the start of the 21st Century from Christian Way. Here is an excerpt: “…Do Christian Scientists recognize the trap in which they live? Most of them do not. Convinced that their religion represents God’s perfect and complete Truth, they assume that anything that disagrees with Christian Science must be incorrect. Failed healings, skepticism over Christian Science doctrine, and claims that Christian Science contradicts the Bible – these are all blamed on a poor understanding of Christian Science and not on any fault with the religion itself. Christian Science is always right, even […]

Selective Denial

Wishing will make it so… In an earlier blog (Is Matter Real? The Christian Science Conundrum?) I wrote about how Christian Science denies the existence and reality of matter. The only thing real in Christian Science (aka CS) is “Spirit”: “Spirit is the real and eternal…” (Science and Health,p. 468:12-13).  We also learned that the Bible teaches that matter is real, and that God created all of it, including our material bodies. (See Genesis, Chapter 1). In my experience, I have never met a Christian Scientist who denied the reality of all matter. Here are some examples of the kinds of matter […]