Online Resources

Christian Way

Former Christian scientists

The heart of our ministry involves: Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with current and former Christian Scientists. Equipping others to reach out to loved ones in Christian Science. Ministering to the spiritual and emotional needs of former Christian Scientists who remain confused or wounded from their involvement in Christian Science. Providing balance for the claims and promises made by the Christian Science Church; by its “textbook,” Science and Health and other Church authorized writings; and by its founder Mary Baker Eddy


Pilgrims to the Cross of Christ from Christian Science

The road to the cross differed for each of us. But similar for all was a profound rethinking, a starting-over that was at first hesitant and then joyous. It began with facing up to what we honestly knew about ourselves as deeply flawed human beings.

Facebook Group: Christian Science Exit

We’re grateful for those Christian Scientists through whom we first encountered the God of the Bible, but ultimately finding Science false as to the plight of man and the person of Jesus, we came to the Cross.

Fellowship of Former Christian Scientists (FFCS)

A ministry to former and current Christian Scientists and those who walk alongside them.

The Fellowship of Former Christian Scientists (FFCS) is a ministry connecting people with a background in Christian Science (CS), and those who walk alongside them, with Christ-centered resources, care and community.